Jual Landis Gyr Model 750

Pengukur gas ini memiliki empat ruang pengukuran yang dihubungkan bersama untuk membentuk unit yang dipisahkan oleh diafragma dan dinding yang dapat dideformasi.

Diafragma ini terhubung melalui piston yang berputar. Jumlah gas yang melewati diafragma meter dapat langsung diukur jika volume masing-masing ruang sudah diketahui.

Pengukur diafragma juga dapat digunakan dengan generator pulsa untuk menyediakan pembacaan meter. Namun, kebocoran dari bagian yang bergerak dan diafragma adalah penyebab utama kesalahan pengukuran saat menggunakan pengukur diafragma.

Diaphragm gas meter memiliki kelebihan :
1. Akurasi yang tinggi
2. Harga yang ekonomis
3. Masa pakai yang cukup panjang.


Landis Gyr Model 750 Extending Meter Life With Proven Accuracy Retention
Jual Landis Gyr Model 750

General Details GasMeter Landis Gyr 750HP

Housed in a compact aluminium case, the Model 750 is a slow revving high capacity gas meter.
Its 2 litre per cycle diaphragm operates at a rate of 40% slower than its 1.2 litre rivals.
This design minimises the speed of internal components and coupled with high quality materials
wear rates are reduced ensuring long term accuracy retention.
The Model 750 has a capacity of 7.5m³/h of Natural Gas (SG0.62) or 6m³/h of Air at 125Pa pressure drop,
a standard proven in Australia and throughout the world to ensure durability and reliable accuracy for periods of beyond 20 years.

Accuracy GasMeter Landis Gyr 750HP

The outstanding design features of the Model 750 gas meter such as its tangent control,
large cyclic capacity and magnetic drive index provide unparalleled accuracy from 10 litres/h to 7.5m³/h.
Our modern calibration and test facilities are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. Jual Landis Gyr Model 750

Pressure Absorption

The Model 750 meter has a low pressure absorption due to the tangent assembly,
sliding low friction valves, and large cyclic volume (2 dm³/cycle),
which ensures extended field life and long term accuracy retention.
Pressure absorption across the meter reflects how hard the meter is working
and is directly proportional to the component wear rate and subsequent meter life.
The pressure absorption of the Model 750 is 125 Pascals (Pa) at a flow rate of 6m³/h of Air (7.5 m³/h of Natural Gas).



Jual Landis Gyr Gas Meter Model 750



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