Gas Meter Elster Type QA10

Turbine gas meter / flow meter gas

Selama pengukuran, molekul gas cenderung berjalan melalui meteran secara terus menerus, yang menghasilkan denyut selama kalibrasi. Peredam suara dapat digunakan untuk menghindari kesalahan pengukuran yang signifikan.Sistem roda gigi, roda turbin, bagian ekstrusi, dan unit rumah tertutup adalah komponen utama meter turbin.

Saat gas mengalir, roda turbin mulai berputar. Putaran roda turbin sebanding dengan kecepatan aliran. Oleh karena itu, volume gas dapat dihitung sehubungan dengan putaran roda.


Gas Meter Elster Type QA10

Spesifikasi Gas Meter Elster Type QA10

Elster-Instromet quantometers are highly reliable gas meters, which can be used
throughout the entire fi eld of fl ow metering and which fulfi l all of the varying requirements
of industrial metering. The QA and QAe quantometers work on the principle of the
rotating turbine wheel. The rotation of the turbine wheel is proportional to the volume of
the fl owing gas and this volume (Vb/m3) is registered by either a mechanical (QA) or an
electronic (QAe) totalizer.
Self-lubricating bearings ensure that the quantometers operate completely without any
On account of the proven metering principle and the quality of the materials in use, the
quantometers meet the highest standards. By using the quantometers in production and
heating processes, it is possible to control the fl ow of gas precisely and therefore optimise
the use of energy.
The QA quantometers are fi tted with a 7-digit mechanical totalizer which registers the
volume Vb in cubic meters (m3).
The QAe quantometers are equipped with an electronic totalizer. Besides the normal registration
of the total volume (Vb, m3 ), the QAe can also display the fl ow rate (Qb, m3/h), the
volume of a key-day (m3 / Vb on the key-day) and the date of the key-day. This means that
the user can easily calculate the gas consumption for any specifi c part of the building or
for any cost centre at any chosen time.

GasMete Elster Type QA65


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